Imagine that you are earning the same income as you are now, but you’re able to do it by working sixteen hours in two days per week. What would you do with your time? How would you spend your 5 Day Weekend?
Imagine the possibilities: More time with friends and family. More time to become healthy and fit. More time to learn and study. More time for your favorite hobby. More travel and fun adventures. More time for your spiritual life. The ability to give back more to the community. Perhaps even run for office. Maybe you have a book to write? A project to build? A skill to master? A language to learn? A social wrong to right?
No more waking up early to an annoying alarm. No constricting suits and ties or painful high heels. No more submitting to and appeasing a tyrannical boss. Less time commuting in heavy traffic during rush hours. Fewer boring meetings, deadlines, and performance reviews. Less worry about credit cards and personal finance.
Less financial insecurity and more control over your destiny. Less boredom and more passion. Less red tape and more creativity. Less time with people you don’t like and more time with people you do like. Unlimited advancement, personal development, and income opportunities.
What do you want less of in your life? What do you want more of? Whatever each of those answers are for you, that’s what a 5 Day Weekend can give you. Imagine the possibilities. Create a vision of your personalized 5 Day Weekend. Use this vision to fuel your drive to achieve the lifestyle you want.
As you create more choices and more free time, you can spend your life in ways that provide your greatest joy, achieve your grandest goals, and share your abundance with your community. You are free to fully live your highest purpose. You crush the word “someday” and do the things you’ve always dreamed of doing today. You stop wishing and start truly living.
Most people work for their money. I’m going to show you how to get your money working for you.
As Winston Churchill said, “The glory of human nature lies in our seeming capacity to exercise conscious control of our own destiny.”
In my next post, I look at the mindset behind the 5 Day Weekend lifestyle. In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you. What do you want less of in life? What do you want more of? Thank you for sharing!
Secure your copy of the “5 Day Weekend” book. 5 Day Weekend: Freedom to Make Your Life and Work Rich with Purpose [Nik Halik & Garrett Gunderson]
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